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Introducing Juriba Dashworks Cloud

Introducing Juriba Dashworks Cloud

The first quarter of 2022 has been a very busy one for us at Juriba. Not only did we officially launch the Windows 11 Assessment Service on February 23rd, but we are also thrilled to announce that, starting March 31st, we are offering our Workplace Automation software, Juriba Dashworks, from the cloud as a SaaS solution in conjunction with our on-premise product.

Whether you choose to deploy Juriba Dashworks in the cloud or on-site, you will have access to the exact same product offering and features. The only major difference is that instead of using our data connectors (as these require connectivity to your SCCM and Active Directory), the cloud offering will use our brand-new data import API to push data from on-premise into the cloud.

Dashworks Cloud will be securely hosted by Juriba utilizing Microsoft Azure which is a major benefit to many of our customers as they are looking to move towards Intune and Azure AD in the next months and years to connect cloud services. Speaking of security, not only has our team been hard at work to create the landing zone in Azure to make everything secure, accessible, and flexible to host in many different regions, but Dashworks Cloud has also passed multiple external penetration tests and now also features Single-Sign-On capability for your convenience. 

Dashworks Cloud Offers Many Benefits To Our Enterprise Customers

Dashworks Cloud will bring many benefits to our customers. For example:

  • Supporting our customers' "Cloud First" strategy. Many of our customers are telling us that they are looking to move non-core/non-critical systems to the cloud because they do not want to worry about maintaining the infrastructure behind them. 
  • Faster access to new or improved features. While an on-premise customer might upgrade only every six months, cloud customers will automatically have new features available to them as soon as they are released. This means that you are able to take advantage of enhancements and improvements faster, increasing your return on investment. 
  • Getting started faster. By adopting Juriba Dashworks in the cloud, you can be up and running much faster as you don't have to worry about getting the databases and servers ready and all the other internal hoops you would usually have to jump through.
  • Custom on-boarding. Despite being a SaaS offering, Juriba customers will still have the Juriba Professional Services team available to get them started. While general best practices apply, our team gets you started on the right foot fast by helping you with on-boarding and setting up.
  • Cut operational expenditures by eliminating additional hardware required for an on-premise setup. This, of course, also gets rid of the need to maintain and upgrade or replace hardware when needed — smoothing out any related costs and transforming them into a very predictable monthly or annual cost.

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Who Is Not A Good Fit For Dashworks Cloud?

While moving Dashworks into the cloud offers a multitude of advantages, there are a few instances where customers have to remain on-premise. 

  • You must control your infrastructure. Dashworks Cloud is Software-as-a-Service that runs on a high-performance technology stack. However, in some instances, customers need to remain in control of their hardware, server configuration and setup which makes them a better candidate for on-premise. 
  • You have specific compliance requirements that will not allow you to host any data in external data centers. In the next few weeks, we will further explore security and compliance issues, such as geo-locations, to give you more detail on your options. 

Become A Pilot Customer Today

Juriba is opening up a few pilot customer spots at the end of the month which will enable organizations that have a strong Cloud First strategy to immediately take advantage of our new SaaS offering. Contact us today to learn more about the pricing and sign-up process.

We are thrilled that years of commitment and work behind the scenes are now finally available for our customers, and we are looking forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback. 

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