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Posts written by Julia Bell

Julia is co-founder of Juriba where she is Chief Technology Officer. She drives the strategy & roadmap for Juriba's products. Julia is passionate about the power of workplace automation when built on the right data and platform, and has seen first hand how this can transform organizations.

Achieving sustainability goals with Device Lifecycle Management

Achieving sustainability goals with Device Lifecycle Management

As enterprises strive to become more sustainable, Device Lifecycle Management and sustainability must be considered. With the rise of laptops and PCs in enterprise IT estates, organizations are now ...

Julia Bell

Microsoft Intune Migration: Navigating Challenges, Embracing Automation

Who doesn't love a fairy tale ending, where good overcomes bad, and we celebrate the story's hero? Whilst not quite the Brothers Grimm, Microsoft Intune has established itself as a main character in ...

Julia Bell
Spotlight on Microsoft Intune: A Modern Desktop Reality vs Hype

Spotlight on Microsoft Intune: A Modern Desktop Reality vs Hype

Microsoft Intune promises to simplify Modern Workplace management by enabling users to securely work on their device and applications of choice, with a service delivered entirely from the cloud. ...

Julia Bell
The Rise and Rise of Microsoft Intune: Driving The Modern Workspace

The Rise and Rise of Microsoft Intune: Driving The Modern Workspace

The End User IT landscape has become increasingly complex, with many management tooling options for managing devices, workstations, mobile systems, people, and processes in the Modern Workplace. One ...

Julia Bell
Will Modern Desktop Drive Application Packaging & MSIX Adoption?

Will Modern Desktop Drive Application Packaging & MSIX Adoption?

Windows 11, Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD), and Microsoft Intune are new technologies changing the landscape for every application packaging team, placing application management and modernization at the ...

Julia Bell
Windows 11: What Does It Mean For Modern Application Packaging

Windows 11: What Does It Mean For Modern Application Packaging

Transitioning to an agile, modern workplace is a challenge that many organizations face over the coming years. The emergence and adoption of new technology is now frequent and expected, as key tech ...

Julia Bell

What You Need To Know About The New Dashworks Workflow Automation Engine

Traditionally, large IT transformations were fairly autonomous, one-off, big-bang migration projects, lasting between 2 to 5 years on average, depending on the scope of the project. Nowadays, with ...

Julia Bell

Stock Inventory: Manage devices in the supply chain with Dashworks

Is your organisation looking to Import data from your hardware vendor into Dashworks and manage devices in the supply chain before they are connected to the network? This new preview release is ...

Julia Bell

3 Reasons Why Business Value Dashboards Are Crucial For Your IT Migration Projects

Data makes the world go round - but there is so much of it that is impossible to see connections and glean valuable insights without the proper tools. No wonder dashboarding and analytics have become ...

Julia Bell